To set to 100 full duplex

# lanadmin -X 100FD 2 ( ppa# from lanscan )

to check the dulpex setting.

#lanadmin -x 2 (ppa# from lanscan)
Current Speed = 100 Full-Duplex Auto-Negotiation-OFF

The hpetherconf is the config file for the built in, 10BaseT card. Run #ioscan -fkC lan and see what btlan driver you have for the card. Then copy the appropriate file from /usr/newconfig/etc/rc.config.d

driver /etc/rc.config.d/

btlan0 hpeisabtconf
btlan hpbtlanconf
btlan1 hpbasetconf
btlan3 hpbase100conf
btlan4 hpgsc100conf
btlan5 hppci100conf
btlan6 hpsppci100conf

This file is updated whenever you apply a 100BaseT patch.



If the card is EISA 100BT card, go to step 7. Set the card to
Auto-Negotiation mode. This can be done temporarily with the command:
– lanadmin -X AUTO_ON nmid/ppa

Or permanently by removing any manual settings for this port in the
/ect/re.config.d/ configuration file.